Birthing Ancients
The Dutch “ijsberg,” translates to "ice mountain." Icebergs range from small human sized pieces (growlers) to house-sized (bergy bits) and up through 4,250 square miles (the size of Connecticut)! Once in the sea, Arctic icebergs last about two years, and Antarctic bergs about ten years. They are a potential huge source for fresh water. Some schemes even involve attaching huge kites to slings under the bergs to move them to populated lands and "harvest" the fresh water.
Present Sea
Nearing See
Seeing Sea
foreboding, coming yet solid berg grounds - complex, crumblies, dark blue chunk being birthed
Dark gem birthing from a forge of Ice
instead of blood, it has snow
Ancient Emerging
Ancient Birthings
Seething Sea
middle is crater receptive container - opening not harsh against sky/clouds. receiving some clouds and sky
World receiving
Ancient Birthings
Birthing Ancients
long gestation